Friday 14 December 2007

My weekend with Angus

I went home with Angus for the weekend and I liked his biscuits.

I helped decorate the Christmas tree. I played with the playstation and has some lasagne for tea.

On Sunday we had breakfast and watched t.v. Angus and Hannah helped Angus' Mum to clean out the rabbits. I liked playing with Foo Foo, Connor and Maisy.

Then we went inside and one of Angus' cat fell asleep on me! She was warm and heavy.
Luna cat and Gasner cat didn't like me.

Zippy and Tilley showed me where the cookies were. YUM YUM!

Written with help from Angus.

Thursday 13 December 2007

My adventure with Joshua

Today I went home with Joshua. I had my photo taken with Joshua and then I had my photo taken with cheeky chimp. I am going to a Christmas party.

I played on Joshua's playstation and I won 4 times.

After that we came down to play with Joshua's cars and then we watched TV. We watched the Paul O'Grady show at 5 o'clock. It was funny! The Sugababes were on it.

Then we went to the Coranation Club. It was fantastic. We had dinner, we had pizza and we had coke, it was yummy! And we had chips, they were yummy! Then we came downstairs to watch TV.

Then we went to bed, night night!

Written with help from Joshua.

Wednesday 12 December 2007

My trip to see Donny

Today I went home with Donny. First I went to after school club. Donny watched the ps2. After we went to the butchers with Donny's Mum to buy chicken for dinner and we all had chocolate yum yum. We all went home and I met Donny's Teddy bears Lion, Fluffy, Pudsey, Pigeoney and Squakey2. I helped Donny cut the onions for dinner.

For dinner we had chicken with salad yogurt and rice. I helped Donny and Javod clean up all the dinner dishes into the kitchen. I helped Donny brush his teeth again. Then we went to bed.

In the morning Donny opened his christmas calander. And we all got ready for school.

Written with help from Donny.

Tuesday 11 December 2007

My trip with Amy

I went toddling to Amy's house. First we were dancing to some music from Jingle Bell Rock. Amy and I were having fun dancing. Then I heard Amy play the keyboard with some music and then she let me have a go. After we went downstairs to watch TV and eat are tea. After that Amy and I shared a cookie with chocolate chips inside. Then we went over Amy's grandma's house and play dominoes. I won all the times that we played. Then we went to bed.

Written with help by Amy Atkins

Monday 10 December 2007

My trip with Jordan

When we got back i watched tv and then me Jordon and Connor played football then we watched tv some more. I watched Jordon and Connor on the playstation I saw Jordon on the psp after that i watched more tv. Then we had dinner it was great. Then we went to bed. I can't wait for my next trip!
Written with help Jordon.

Friday 7 December 2007

My trip with Emily.

Today I went home with Emily. First I played with Emily and I had lots of fun. Then I had a picture taken with Emily. Emily then went on my blog and I saw myself!

Written with help from Emily.

Thursday 6 December 2007

My fun Adventure with Connor

When I got to Connor's house I played on a ps2 and after that I had a cup of tea with some Chocolate bourbon biscuits. Next I had my leg stitched up by Connor's Mum.......ouch! Then me and Connor wrapped some presents up. We played on Connor's remote control car. After Connor put me on top of his Christmas tree it was tall and scary. We played a bit of football. Then I was tied so i went to bed and Connor said that I snore! In the morning I had some breakfast.

I am ready for my next adventure!

Written with help from Connor.

Wednesday 5 December 2007

My Adventure with Tia

When I got to Tia's house I saw Tia's making her a pot noodle. After that I had some pictures taken. Next Tia helped me write the first part of my diary. Then we went to Tia's bed room, it's
enormous ...

NIGHT TIME. Tia had a bath and I did to and after that we watched High School Musical 2
in the living room. After that we had a cup of tea and biscuits and then went to bed...

MORNING Tia wouldn't get up. When she got up we went to school. Did i tell you I got my own bed?!

Written with help from Tia.

Monday 3 December 2007

Me and Twin 2

When I arrived at Georgia's house for the second time I decided to zoom round the living room so I could see every thing. Then I met Cindy and Simon Georgia's bears. Then I sat in the big leather chair and felt like a king. At 7 o clock I watched the soaps. Then i had a piggy back off their dog Snowy. Then we helped make tea, it was YUMMY. Then I watched t.v. Afterwards I got hungry so I made some biscuits. Then went to bed. Night Night. ZZZZZZZZ.....

Watch out I'm ready for my next trip!

Written with help from Georgia.

My weekend with James

Today I met James for the first time. When we got to Jame's house I met his dog Chaos. After I met his family I went to James' sister's house. She has two dogs, they are scary. On the way home we stopped at Argos and James' sister brought a present. Tomorrow I am going to the Cov vs Sheffield United match. I cant wait, it should be fun! SATURDAY
Today me, James, Natasha, Charmaina and James' Mum went out for lunch. After lunch I went to watch Coventry City play at the Ricoh arena with James and his sister Charmaine but it was disappointing because they lost 1-0. Then we came home and play with Chaos .

It was disappointing because I did not get to go to James' football mach in the end. I did end up going to a club it was fun because I had a go on a pooltable I won against James. He was hard to beat because he is always playing. James also pulled his tooth out!

Written with help from James