Monday 3 December 2007

My weekend with James

Today I met James for the first time. When we got to Jame's house I met his dog Chaos. After I met his family I went to James' sister's house. She has two dogs, they are scary. On the way home we stopped at Argos and James' sister brought a present. Tomorrow I am going to the Cov vs Sheffield United match. I cant wait, it should be fun! SATURDAY
Today me, James, Natasha, Charmaina and James' Mum went out for lunch. After lunch I went to watch Coventry City play at the Ricoh arena with James and his sister Charmaine but it was disappointing because they lost 1-0. Then we came home and play with Chaos .

It was disappointing because I did not get to go to James' football mach in the end. I did end up going to a club it was fun because I had a go on a pooltable I won against James. He was hard to beat because he is always playing. James also pulled his tooth out!

Written with help from James