Friday 25 January 2008

My 2nd fantastic adventure with Connor

When i got to Connor's house I had a cup of tea and a whole tin of celebrations! After that I was
really really fat. Then I watched a scary and funny movie, it was very interesting. Next me and Connor went to play darts and i hit the bullseye but Connor still beat me. After that I had dinner and I had jacket potato with cheese and beans it was gorgeoussssssssss! I ate mine before Connor because he got me a drink. For pudding I had strawberries with sugar, it was delisious. Then I played with Connor's sister's pg tips monkey, he kept swinging from the light. I went to bed after that because i was really tired after a fun day.....night. I can't wait for my next adventure.

Written with help from connor.

Thursday 24 January 2008

My 2nd visit to Nyron's house.

I went home with Nyron today. He's so cool and his family are pretty cool to. I couldn't belive how much his baby brother had grown he's so BIG! Then we went to Nyron's Nan's for dinner.It was chicken casserole. Yum yum! We didn't stay very long because it was a school night. At 8 o'clock we
went to bed and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Written with help from nyron.

Wednesday 23 January 2008

My second trip with Naomi.

First we went to Mcdonalds and had chips and fishfingers yum! When I got to Naomi's house I realised that Becky was standing next to me. We played teachers and I thought I was actually at school! Naomi told me how to play it. Then India bounced through the door. Then we made a show up and I was Captain Hook. After that India and Becky went home. Then Naomi took pichures of me in my best poses. Then I had a bath. Finally we went to sleep zzzz. In the morning I got up and had some scrumpious breakfast. I'm ready for my next trip!

Written with help from Naomi.

Monday 21 January 2008

My second trip with Courtney.

Today I went home with Courtney. We walked home and when we got to Courtney's Nan's house I met Courtney's cousin Isabel. I played with the chalkboard. Courtney taught me how to draw and dance, I liked drawing the most! For tea I had roast beef dinner, it was yummy!After dinner I had some photos taken. Then we went to Courtney's house and met Courtney's dogs JJ and Lucy, they're rottwilers. I also met Courtney's guinea pigs Smocky, Jet, Fluffy, Aero and Gallaxy. I've met them once before. Then I got changed for bed and went downstairs to watch the telly for a bit. Then we went back upstairs and took some more photos, played some games and drawed pictures of people. Courtney's Mum shouted up, "It's time for bed!" Night night!

In the morning we got ready for school and went back to Courtney's Nan's house for breakfast. I had chocolate Shreddies, they were yummy! Then we walked back to school. I can't wait for my next trip!

Written with help from Courtney.