Friday 11 April 2008

my second adventure with Gobinder

When I went to Gobinder's house again we played on the play station 3, it was really good. We played fifa 08, gobinder was Chelsea and i was F.C Barcelona. It was 2-1to me. Then we went bowling, i didn't want to play because i didn't know how to play. Gobinder tried to teach me but I still didn't get it. I sat back and ate a burger and chips with coke. After that it was 8:00 and i had ice cream and soothing, bubbling chocolate sauce, it was lovely. We watched wwe late night raw
2008 that was wicked. Gobinder told me about liverpool-Arsenal match. I wanted Arsenal to win.I hope I go to Gobinder's house agains soon.

Written with help from Gobinder.

My second trip with India!

When we got to after school club we sat down and played with the building blocks. India's mum came to pick us up and take us to her house. When we got there India carried me upstairs to the computer to play on After that India's mum called us down for tea.We had steak, peas, salad and chips. Then India showed me how to play her Guitar it was cool.I also helped India do her spellings. Me and India got them all right so we had a lolly pop. We watched t.v, we watched the simpsons. I liked Homer best. Next we went upstairs to India's room and listened to her music. We played a game. Then it was bedtime, I keeped on snoring.

We woke up and watched t.v in India's bed. India's mum brought us some biscuts and jucie. India got dressed. Then we went down stairs to eat our breakfast India got her bag. I went back in my box and went to school.


written with help by India!

My second time with Thomas.

When I was at Thomas's house we had a play on the playstation. We stopped to have some dinner and then we went to the shops to get some card and glue to start the Vikings project. When we got home settled down to watch the Liverpool v Arsenal match. Liverpool won 4 -2 then we then went to sleep.

Written with help from Thomas.

My second time with twin 2

First of all when i got to Georgia's house I had something to eat with Georgia. We had some egg on toast. Then watched some telly until the soaps started. So I sat and watched them. Then I sat and did some spellings like a good little alien and then went to bed. In the morning I had a piece of nice warm toast then a few muinuts later I set off for school and I can't wait for my next adventure!Written with help from Georgia

My First Scuba Dive

My first scuba dive

When i got up today Connor took me to Stoney Cove. Because his Nanny had offered to take me scuba diving. I put on all the equipment and then i was able to breath under water. I saw lots of fish and though it was cold i had a wonderful time. Afterwards I went for a drink and something to eat with all the other scuba divers. Hopefully Connor take me again.When we woke up on Sunday it had snowed but by the time we finished our breakfast it had all melted so me and Connor played wrestling with his wrestlers. As I haven't played before I was not very good so Connor beat me. After that we watch the football match on the television.
Connor's favourite team is Manchester United and they draw with Middlesbrough. After the football match I had penalties at Connor.

Written with help from Connor.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

My 2nd visit to Joe's house

Monday 5th February 2008
When I got home with Joe we played against each other on the wii. We where playing on
Mario v Sonic at the Olympic games, we played on a race. I got worn out and came 3rd place and Joe came 1St place, it was out of 4. Later on we had tea it was extremely tasty. Joe has to go to
cub's now so I will rest on the sofa until he comes back. When he came back we watched t.v then went to bed.

Written with help from Joe.

Monday 4 February 2008

My second fantastic trip with Becky.

31st Thursday January 2008
First we went to Mcdonald's for lunch yum yum we had
fish fingers and chips and we saw Ellie as well. We had a go on Twister
me and Becky got knotted up. Becky fell and watched some t.v it was
Garfield gets real. We had some fabulous curry and then we played on becky's wii.

We went to Becky's Nan's house and we watched some more fabulous
t.v we played on Becky's DS. It was wicked. We fed Becky's Nan's fish
we had some ice cream and we played on Becky's compter. We played on
a website and I loved it. ZZZZ!

Friday 1st Febuary 2008
We woke up and had some fantastic breakfast . We watched some
more tv and then we did some colouring. We then went to Becky's cousin's
house and we played in their bedroom. It was fantastic. We met their
dog Archie, he was running round the table. We went back to Becky's
house and had a other go the wii. I had a great time.
We went to bed but we watched some funny movie's. We had some sweets as well.

Saturday 2nd Febuary 2008
We woke up and had some great breakfast and watched some tv and played some wii games it was fantastic. Afterwards we played in Becky's sister's doll's house it was fun but it was not fun as wii and we went back to going on the wii, it was wicked. We was played on wii sports
and then it was time for bed so we got ready.

Sunday 3rd Febuary 2008
We woke and listened to some pop music and then went to Becky's bedroom and
played some games and then we went down stairs and had some breakfast
it was fantastic. We went on the computer we went on high school musical
the website it was fun. We went to Tesco to get some sweets and some lunch. It was nice. We had a fantastic time.

I'm ready for my next fantastic trip!

Written with help from Becky