Friday 11 April 2008

My First Scuba Dive

My first scuba dive

When i got up today Connor took me to Stoney Cove. Because his Nanny had offered to take me scuba diving. I put on all the equipment and then i was able to breath under water. I saw lots of fish and though it was cold i had a wonderful time. Afterwards I went for a drink and something to eat with all the other scuba divers. Hopefully Connor take me again.When we woke up on Sunday it had snowed but by the time we finished our breakfast it had all melted so me and Connor played wrestling with his wrestlers. As I haven't played before I was not very good so Connor beat me. After that we watch the football match on the television.
Connor's favourite team is Manchester United and they draw with Middlesbrough. After the football match I had penalties at Connor.

Written with help from Connor.