Friday 11 April 2008

My second trip with India!

When we got to after school club we sat down and played with the building blocks. India's mum came to pick us up and take us to her house. When we got there India carried me upstairs to the computer to play on After that India's mum called us down for tea.We had steak, peas, salad and chips. Then India showed me how to play her Guitar it was cool.I also helped India do her spellings. Me and India got them all right so we had a lolly pop. We watched t.v, we watched the simpsons. I liked Homer best. Next we went upstairs to India's room and listened to her music. We played a game. Then it was bedtime, I keeped on snoring.

We woke up and watched t.v in India's bed. India's mum brought us some biscuts and jucie. India got dressed. Then we went down stairs to eat our breakfast India got her bag. I went back in my box and went to school.


written with help by India!