Thursday 29 November 2007

My adventure with Courtney

Last night I went home with Courtney. I was very excited. I walked home to Courtney's nanny and grandad's house with Courtney, her sister and her grandad. When I got there, I went upstairs to have a bath and when I came back down tea was ready. I had potato wedges and chiken nuggets. I ate them all it was yummy! Then I played hide and seek with Courtney and her sister. After that Courtney's parent's came home, her dad had bought us a present for if were good. The present was a small cristmas tree for Courtney's bedroom. Then I had to get changed ready for bed. After I got changed I held their guina pig's they are fluffy and cute they gave me a piggy back it was really fun! Then I went on the computer on my website it was funny looking at me "I felt famous!" I watched some tv before going to bed.NIGHT!NIGHT!

In the morning I had porrige for brecfast and a glass of water when I had brecfast I walked back to school.

Written with help from courtney.