Tuesday 27 November 2007

My adventure with Naomi.

Friday 23rd November

Me and Naomi were walking out of school there was Naomi's mum wating for us. While we had a little wander around I met Simon the chimp. Then Naomi's friend said, "do you want to come round my house?" I said YES PLEASE!

For dinner we had pizza chips and garlic bread. then we had a story Night Night.

Saturday 24th November
In the morning me and Naomi got up and got dressed. Then we went shopping and I saw somthing that i want for Christmas. Then me and Naomi went to a party and had some pictures taken. After that we went to Naomi's nanny's house. For dinner we had McDonalds. Then we went home and had some choclate cake. After that I met Naomi's cousin Kostas. Then we played Monopoly and I was the banker.

Sunday 25th November
Me and Naomi go up after sleeping in a camp bed at Naomi's nanny's house. We got up and watched t.v. After that we had some breakfast. After that me and Naomi watched High School Musical 2. Then we went and watched Kostas play football it was a draw 4-4. Finally we came home and watched Annie.

Written with help from Naomi.